
What is the Compliance Center?

The compliance center is a Business intelligence solution that allows you to:

a) collect and unify all your data sources in one single place;

b) customize your own dashboards to easily visualize all your data;

c) identify and be alerted about anomalies causing unexpected revenue loss;

How does it work?

yieldPass custom APIs and indexers fetch, cluster, and analyze anonymous data from your different AdTech providers to measure their performance against industry best practices and predefined performance goals including: ad revenue, CPM, viewability, ARPU.

How do I connect my stack to the Compliance Center?

The Compliance Center is a cloud based solution, that requires little to non implementation on the publisher´s side. To ingest your data, we have built customized APIs with leading adtech providers. Data can also be imported via CSV files.

What exactly will be surveilled by the compliance centre?


Monitor proper functioning of your GPT tag features on all active ad units including: asynchronous ad refresh, in-view refresh, lazy loading, collapsing of empty div-ids, asynchronous rendering, single request mode.

Ad Inventory

Monitor proper delivery and prioritization settings on all active line items to ensure maximum yield.

Ad Quality

Monitor and block malicious and low quality ads in real-time pre-impression, ensuring that all your ads are high-quality, clean and fully compliant.

Bidding Analytics

Obtain bidder bid/win price analysis while also monitoring bid latency by bidder, geo, and domain.


Monitor viewability rate of every impression delivered on your sites(s).

Getting started (Installation process)

The Compliance Center is tailored to your ad stack and specific needs. The installation process consists in 4 phases:

Phase 1: AdStack Check-up

1) Fill out the Discovery Survey: Go to Survey

2) Grant us "Executive" level access on your Ad Server to the following email: adops@yieldpass.com

If you are using Google Ad Manager Log in => Go to Access & Authorization => Click on "New User" => Select "Executive" at the Role drop down menu>

If you are using a different Ad Server please make sure grant us reading privileges>

3) Grant us "Read & Analyse" access on your Google Analytics account to following email: adops@yieldpass.com

Log into your Google Analytics => Go to Admin => Click on "Account User Management" => Click on the "Plus" icon to add new users>

Phase 2: AdStack Enhancements

1) If you are interested on advanced monetization or ad quality solutions (e.g. Prebid Analytics, Malware protection, viewability, cookieless 1st party data monetization, header bidding, etc), fill this Survey: Go to Survey

2). On your Inbox look for an email titled "MLK Tag" and paste it on your source code following the instructions below:

Copy & Paste the yieldPass tag -aka MLK- in your website source code. Ideally the MLK should be placed as close to the bottom of the header as possible.

     <script async type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.yieldpass.com/XXX.js"></script>

Note: App publishers require special implementation via SDK. Please contact our Ad Ops team: adops@yieldpass.com

Phase 3: Data Instrumentation

There are 2 ways to import Data on Publisher Cloud: CSV import and via API.

While some of your monetizaiton partners will not have an API we highly recommend you to use the CSV import method.

API import method will also required further data normalization efforts that might take a few weeks until all discrepancies are eliminated.

A. CSV import method (Preferred Method)

1) Real time Data: To import real time data use the reporting tool of each of your Data Sources, schedule a 7-days Report applying only the metrics and dimensions described in the following this link. Once the report is created, schedule it to be send EVERY DAY to csv@yieldpass.com. Follow the instructions below:

  • a. Report Name: Schedule your CSV file using following name convention: PublisherName_DataSourceName_Realtime (example: NewYorkTimes_Rubicon_Realtime)
  • b. Time Range: Last 7 days
  • c. Metrics and Dimensions: Add as many metrics and dimensions as you want to report. Find the list of metrics and dimensions and report samples by SSP in this link
  • d. Format: Make sure the format is CSV comma delimited. Be careful and if possible DO NOT open your CSV File and re-saving in a program like microsoft excel as doing so can add unwanted formatting resulting in corrupted data.
  • e. Email destination: csv@yieldpass.com
  • f. Please notify the yieldPass team, once the reports have been scheduled.

2) Historical Data: To import "Historical data" up to 12 months, generate and send us a CSV file with the relevant report for each of your revenue sources, SSPs, analytics tool, subscription management software, CRM or similar to csv@yieldpass.com following the instructions below:

  • a. Report Name: Save your CSV file using following name convention: PublisherName_DataSourceName_Time range (example: NewYorkTimes_Rubicon_Last3Months)
  • b. Time Range: The lenght of the report should be maximum 12 months. We highly recommend to create 3 month-lenght CSV Files to avoid loading errors (In this case, make sure the report structure is the same for all of them)
  • c. Metrics and Dimensions: Add as many metrics and dimensions as you want to report. Find the list of metrics and dimensions and report samples by SSP in this link
  • d. Format: Make sure the format is CSV comma delimited. Be careful and if possible DO NOT open your CSV File and re-saving in a program like microsoft excel as doing so can add unwanted formatting resulting in corrupted data.
  • e. Email destination: csv@yieldpass.com
  • f. Please notify the yieldPass team, once the reports have been sent.

3) Net or Gross Revenue. Some SSPs DO NOT have the ability to report the Net Revenue (Revenue minus SSP share) of your Sites. For those SSPs reporting Gross Revenue only, in order to report your Net Revenue across all your sources, provide us the percentage retained by the SSP it you want yieldPass to report. Please find an example on this link and send the completed file to following email: adops@yieldpass.com

4) Kick off meeting. Book a Kick-off meeting with our AdOps team: Book meeting

B. API Method.

Please touch base with our AdOps team to verify the list of AdTech vendors currently avaialbe for API method.

1) Grant API access to Google Analytics (view rights)

2) (OPTIONAL) Grant API access to Ad Manager (admin rights).

  • Log into your Google Ad Manager Account;
  • Go to Admin and then Global Settings;
  • Click on "Add a Service Account User";
  • In the "Name" field write: yieldPass API;
  • In the "Email" field copy & paste the following: lmaf-integration@custom-rigging-203108.iam.gserviceaccount.com;
  • In the "Role" field select: Administrator (Ad Manager only);
  • Click Save.

3) Provide us with the API KEY for the respective SSP or Adtech Partner. Feel free to touch base with our AdOps team if you have problems finding out the API Keys.

4) Data Collection. Once credential access has been granted, Data will start being collected connection by connection. Make sure all credentials are updated and active with your SSP or adtech provider.

5) Normalization. We will align and standardize all the different Data coming from the different tech providers to avoid discrepancies based on different naming conventions for dimensions and metrics. This process might take a few days or even weeks depending on the structure and organization of your ad units, the conventions used in connection with the metrics and dimensions avaialble on each SSP.

Phase 4: Customization and Troubleshooting

1) Troubleshooting. We´ll validate that data on yieldPass is accurate and matches data from source.

2) Define customized dashboards. We will tailor your experience based on your business needs.

3) Admin. Define which members from your team will have access to the tool.